Digital Intersections

Views from the intersection of digital marketing and enterprise technology

Losing the Lead

In 2005, Sirius Decisions invented the MQL. In 2021, Forrester are trying to kill it. Can marketing ever truly replace the humble lead record?

Marketo Engage August '21 Release Overview

All change for Marketo, as Adobe kicks off a major transition for their marketing automation platform.

Eloqua 21C Release Overview

Another quiet Eloqua release introduces an important enhancement to blind form submits, as well as some interesting integrations and security updates.

How to Improve Email Metrics

There’s no right way to getting more opens and more clicks. Instead, many small changes can be combined to deliver the best results.

How to get started with B2B Omnichannel Campaigns

Marketing automation has evolved into a vehicle to run multi-channel campaigns. Are you making the most of your nurture programs?

Windows 11 and the Compatibility Question

The unexpected announcement of Windows 11 is already facing a backlash from IT Pros. It's not clear whether PCs will be able to run Microsoft's new OS.

How to Get Started with B2B Email Personalisation

B2B email personalisation doesn't have to be complicated. Start simple, with these five quick and easy ways to personalise your marketing emails.

The Role of CDPs in B2B Marketing

There are many ways for B2B marketers to build a single customer view. Customer Data Platforms have clear advantages but also have their limitations.

Finding the Balance: Effective B2B Personalisation

When it comes to personalisation, the only real limit is scale and efficiency rather than ambition. All that's needed are a few simple building blocks.

After the Emergency: Remote Working

Employees are reluctantly starting to return to the office, but that doesn't mean a return to the old 9 to 5. The new normal is that there is no normal.