Creating a lead scoring model is a challenge. Improving a lead scoring model is relatively easy. So why don't marketers update scoring regularly?
Comprehensive lead scoring and accurate lead routing are important, but does marketing give sales enough insight to follow-up new MQLs?
Identifying what a good lead looks like is no easy task. There are multiple factors to consider and few marketing teams use all the available information.
Inactive contacts make up a majority of most marketing databases, but not all unengaged email subscribers are deadwood. The right message can reengage them.
The evolving career paths of B2B email subscribers are a challenge to marketing databases everywhere, but they are also an opportunity.
Everyone knows that it's important. Few marketers pay attention to it. Email Deliverability needs to be better understood and more closely managed.
Marketing is getting more complicated. More data and more technology will mean to more integration and more alignment with the rest of the business.
Bad data quality is a constant challenge for all marketers. Alas, there is no easy fix for bad data but AI does help.
Translation is slow and expensive, but massively increases campaign results. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to producing better localised content.
In a world of always-on and content marketing, a well managed campaign calendar has become very important.